
All parents of school and college students can now get two rapid COVID-19 tests each week.

Parents of school and college students can get rapid COVID-19 tests

All parents of school and college students can now get two rapid COVID-19 tests each week.

Businesses and organisations that employ fewer than 250 people can access community testing

More businesses and organisations can access community testing

Businesses and organisations that employ fewer than 250 people can access community testing

Care home residents across Dorset will be able to have a single named visitor from 8th of March.

Kindness is key in keeping your loved ones safe this Spring

Care home residents across Dorset will be able to have a single named visitor from 8th of March.

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Unpaid carers offered community testing

Weekly asymptomatic lateral flow device testing is available at community testing sites across Dorset for unpaid carers.

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New COVID-19 mobile testing sites in Dorset

Two new mobile testing units have been added to the list of mobile coronavirus testing site locations for residents who have COVID-19 symptoms and need a test.

Public sector organisations across Dorset are thanking volunteers who have given their time and expertise for free during the pandemic.

Volunteers, we thank you

Public sector organisations across Dorset are thanking volunteers who have given their time and expertise for free during the pandemic.

Businesses and organisations who employ less than 50 people and are open under current government guidelines are being asked to register their interest in community testing.

Businesses and organisations to register for community testing

Businesses and organisations who employ less than 50 people and are open under current government guidelines are being asked to register their interest in community testing.

Councils are offering support to help people get to their COVID-19 vaccination appointments safely.

Councils offer support to get people to vaccinations safely

Councils are offering support to help people get to their COVID-19 vaccination appointments safely.

This half term we are asking residents to stay local.

Stay local – explore from your door

This half term we are asking residents to stay local.

This week marks an extremely sad occasion in Dorset as the county passes the milestone of 1,000 Covid-19-related deaths.

Tribute to mark 1000 Covid related deaths in Dorset

This week marks an extremely sad occasion in Dorset as the county passes the milestone of 1,000 Covid-19-related deaths.

Georgia is from Blandford, and in January 2021 both of her parents fell ill with COVID-19. This is her story.

“It’s extremely scary how it can affect people so differently”

Georgia is from Blandford, and in January 2021 both of her parents fell ill with COVID-19. This is her story.

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Funding to help with drug and alcohol misuse

The funding will specifically target those who need support with their use of alcohol or other drugs and help them rebuild their lives.