Locality profiles - Public Health Dorset
Locality profiles
Across Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole there are 13 localities with varied populations, health and wellbeing needs, and a wide range of assets.
The localities cover Dorset and BCP Council areas and are defined geographically (based on MSOAs). These were agreed by partners in 2013. Public Health link workers are assigned to the localities to provide a framework for partnership working with communities, health (primary care) and local care (local authority) agencies.
Our Locality profiles are made up of:
- A dashboard – giving you access to a wide range of wellbeing and wider determinants data. Click here to access the dashboard from 2022. Our 2023 version is in development - request access to the beta version through this link or contact intelli@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
- Locality profile narratives – for each of the 13 Localities we have provided a high level summary of the data in the dashboard. Click here for access to the latest narratives and the archive versions.