You're invited for an NHS Health Check - Public Health Dorset
You're invited for an NHS Health Check
Residents of Dorset, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole are being invited to attend their NHS Health Check.
The NHS Health Check is a free check-up of people’s overall health. It can tell people whether they are at higher risk of getting certain health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and stroke.
People may have already been sent letters inviting them for an NHS Health Check from their GP practice but they don’t need a letter to book an appointment.
Anyone aged 40-74, who hasn’t had an NHS Health Check in the last five years and who hasn’t got an existing condition such as heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease or had a stroke is eligible for a health check.
Residents can find their nearest provider by visiting:
A health check appointment will take no longer than 30 minutes and residents will be asked some questions about their health and the health of their family.
During the appointment people will have their height and weight measured, blood pressure read and a free cholesterol check.
Our LiveWell Dorset team will be hosting some Health MOT events during our NHS Health Check campaign where residents can find out about health checks but also learn about the LiveWell Dorset service and how they can help people make healthy lifestyle changes that can help achieve their goals such as stop smoking, losing weight, drinking less alcohol and moving more. The drop-in events will take place at:
- The Eco Hub in The Dolphin Centre in Poole on Wednesday 19 February from 10am -3pm
- Bournemouth Library, The Triangle in Bournemouth on Thursday 27 February from 10am – 3pm
Cllr Lesley Dedman, BCP Council Portfolio Holder for Adults and Health said: “I would encourage anyone who is eligible to find their nearest provider and book their NHS Health Check.
“They are a great way to have a check of your overall health and find out ways you can make small lifestyle changes that could help you prevent getting serious health conditions.”
Cllr Laura Miller, Dorset Council Dorset Council Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health said: “I would encourage anyone who is eligible to find their nearest provider and book their NHS Health Check.
“Health checks are free and you can learn how small lifestyle changes can make big differences in helping you prevent developing serious health conditions.”
To find out more about health checks visit: