Dorset and BCP Councils to discuss health and care response to COVID-19 - Public Health Dorset
Dorset and BCP Councils to discuss health and care response to COVID-19

Councillors from Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council are meeting on Wednesday 1 July to reflect on the Dorset-wide health and care response to COVID-19.
Partners from across Dorset’s NHS, local authorities, emergency services and public and voluntary sector have been working together for several months on a co-ordinated response to the crisis in the county. The Joint Health Scrutiny Committee will hear from those leading the work in the health and care sector.
Sam Crowe, Director of Public Health for Dorset and BCP Councils, will provide an update on the latest public health position in the county, including case rates, the national and regional R number and how these indicators inform the actions taken in Dorset to prevent further spread of the virus.
The Committee will also hear from local health representatives including Tim Goodson, Chief Officer at NHS Dorset CCG, on the local NHS response to COVID-19. They will also update councillors on how wider NHS services are being delivered and adapted.
Both councils will give updates on the work they’ve done to support the care sector during COVID-19, and how this support will continue over the coming months.
Following their updates, speakers will answer questions from members of the committee. Members of the public can also submit questions in advance of the meeting by emailing Questions should be no more than 450 words and need to be submitted by 3pm on Monday 29 June.
Councillor Jill Haynes, Chair of the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee, said: “As lockdown restrictions are easing and we are coming through the initial peak of the pandemic, this meeting gives both councils the chance to come together and review the health and care response to COVID-19. We know that the virus is going to be around for a while longer, so we can reflect on and learn from the actions taken so far as we continue our work together to protect our communities in Dorset.”
The meeting takes place on Wednesday 1 July at 3pm and members of the public can watch the meeting live.