Public Health Dorset encourages residents to seek the right support to quit smoking this Stoptober - Public Health Dorset
Public Health Dorset encourages residents to seek the right support to quit smoking this Stoptober

Quitting smoking can be a challenging journey, but one that is proven to be more successful with the right support.
Our healthcare services in Dorset are here to help residents to take control of their health and make the journey towards a smoke-free life. Having a variety of choices can help people successfully find a stop-smoking option that suits them.
Although smoking remains one of the main preventable causes of death in the UK, a significant number of people still smoke - 11% of adults in BCP Council and 9% of adults in Dorset Council are smokers.
Each cigarette smoked harms the lungs, even if the damage isn’t noticeable straight away. Beyond the age of 35-40, for every year a person continues to smoke, they lose approximately three months of their life expectancy.
However, it’s never too late to quit. Stop smoking for 28 days and you're 5 times more likely to give up for good, which means Stoptober is a great time to start a quit journey.
Within one year of quitting the risk of heart attack is halved, and the risk of cancer reduced.
Overall fitness and respiratory health will improve, sense of smell and taste will recover. Smokers might worry that they’ll be unhappy when they no longer smoke, but evidence shows that giving up smoking improves mental health and those who quit are happier.
What options are there to help people quit smoking in Dorset?
LiveWell Dorset
LiveWell Dorset can help you choose from a range of options including face-to-face support from a local pharmacy, a pack of nicotine gum and patches through your door or a vape starter kit.
For those who would like some coaching to help them quit, LiveWell Dorset can offer a free Allen Carr Easyway stop smoking seminar, or time with LiveWell Coaches who help identify triggers and how you can overcome them.
LiveWell Dorset Coach, Sam, said:
"We are fortunate in Dorset that we have a variety of options for quitting available – even if you’ve been unsuccessful at quitting in the past, that doesn’t mean you are less likely to quit if you give it another try. Seeking support from experts like a LiveWell coach significantly improves your chances of becoming smoke-free for good. We understand that planning for the future is key to maintaining any lifestyle change, so we’ll help you with that too. Our door is always open; you can return to the service anytime if you need more support.”
You can register with LiveWell online or by freephone today on 0800 840 1628.
NHS Quit Smoking app
The NHS Quit Smoking app can support you to stay smokefree by helping you keep track of your progress. Getting daily support, seeing how much you’re saving as well as how many days you’ve been smokefree is a big encouragement. Download the free NHS Quit Smoking app.
Stop Smoke services
When you get local support with professional help, you’re chances of quitting successfully are much higher. You can speak to local pharmacist or your health professional about quitting smoking.
Nick, who successfully quit smoking after contacting LiveWell Dorset, said:
“We can all talk and think about stopping smoking but it’s the doing that counts. Signing up with LiveWell and then committing to go to the Allen Carr Easyway day held me accountable.
Having that Easyway quit date in the diary really worked for me, being able to tell myself that, next Saturday, I am going to give up smoking. “
How can I get started this Stoptober?
Register with LiveWell Dorset for your free quit pack
Create a personal quit plan with a LiveWell Dorset coach
Find some people to quit with through the LiveWell Facebook Group