A big thank you to everyone in the care profession – clap for our care workers

Like the rest of the country, and indeed much of the world, hundreds of thousands of Dorset residents - family, neighbours and friends are coming to terms with life as it is following the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).

It's more important than ever for us to work together and look after one another. It is only through solidarity, self-awareness and a collective conscience that we can come through this.

There is one group of people often overlooked in all of this. They are the social workers, care workers, managers, cleaners and cooks who work 24 hours a day, seven days a week in social care. They’re supporting the most frail and vulnerable in our families and communities in care homes, supported housing and in people’s own homes.

Alongside NHS staff and other essential services, these care professionals really are ‘the front line’. They have to deal with the same anxieties and struggles as the rest of us while caring, comforting and keeping safe the some of the most vulnerable people across our county. They often put themselves at risk and work long exhausting hours away from families and friends.

Last night Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health, pledged to make sure that everyone in the care profession is to be given the same recognition and respect as NHS workers.

Dorset Council, BCP Council and Dorset NHS bodies want to say thank you to all our front-line workers who are helping deal with the pandemic and maintain services.

Cllr Laura Miller, Portfolio Holder for adult social care and health at Dorset Council said:

“We really appreciate all of your efforts in these challenging times. I know many people working in care are tired, frightened and often lonely. This is to say thank you. Thank you for being you. Thank you for looking after people and thank you for keeping going.”

Councillor Lesley Dedman, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, said:

“I would like to thank our entire care workforce across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole who are working tirelessly during these extremely difficult times. From home carers, to cleaners, cooks and care and nursing staff in our care homes, your dedication and compassion for the vulnerable people is clear. Your commitment and hard work is so valued every day and even more so during this current crisis. Thank you to each and every one of you.”

Vanessa Read, Director of Nursing and Quality, NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said:

“We’d like to thank all of those working in care who, alongside NHS and other essential services, are working tirelessly to care for people at this time. Thank you.”

When many of us clap for the NHS at 8pm on a Thursday evening, let’s clap for everyone working in a caring or nursing role. It’s the united front of health and social care working together that’s making the biggest difference.

Public bodies across Dorset also want to thank all our residents who are following government guidelines and staying at home. By doing this, everyone is helping to save lives.  

Published on:
16/04/2020, 00:00